Why Your Small Business Needs a Website
With an ever increasing shift of society to work, shop and even live online, having a website for your small business is absolutely essential. Nowadays, most searches for products or services start on the internet, with the surge of smartphone use, this now means that those searches can occur from anywhere at any time. If someone is searching for your products or services and your business has no website, you can rest assured that one of your competitors with an established online presence will have a great chance of creating a new customer.
Increased leads
The main point of having a website is to have potential customers contact you about your services or for them to buy your products. Getting a website built is the first and most important step in this process, giving you the ability to be contacted 24/7. Although having a website is the most important part of your business, with an extensive amount of competition in most industries, work on search engine optimisation for your website is imperative.
The combination of an amazing, modern, mobile responsive website with great content tailored for your industry which signals your expertise and search engine optimisation with relevant converting keywords will make sure that your small business website is generating leads.
Build your business’ credibility
A decade ago, you could have gotten away with not having a website for your small business. More traditional methods of advertising were prominent, but in today’s day and age, your most important digital asset is your website. A lot of people that search for your products and services will judge your business on your website, and there are a number of things that can both help but also hinder your credibility.
A few website points that can help your business’ credibility include:
- A clean modern design
- A fast and secure website
- Detailed contact information
- Customer testimonials and reviews
A few website points that can hinder your business’ credibility include:
- An outdated non mobile responsive website
- Broken elements such as images and links
- Non secure (htttps) website
- Non functioning elements such as contact forms
Promote your products and services
Your website is a perfect platform to showcase your services and products. You are not restricted in any way on how many products or services you can have or how you choose to display them. A website has a major advantage over other platforms such as social media pages due to its flexibility and endless possibilities of customisation.
Streamline the way your business works
Having a website gives you the opportunity to streamline your business process. Many businesses have manual time consuming processes which could be fully automated. For example, manually filling in contact forms in paper form could easily be automated with a custom form on your website, containing all the necessary fields and being filled out by the user, therefore saving you precious time.
Your website is your online home
In recent times, a website could perhaps be more important than even a physical location for your business. As we have seen with a rise of people and corporations working from home, having an online presence is crucial. Your website is a tool working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, it is promoting your business all the time, without the need for any human resources.